Very nice. The part about online personas was quite interesting. Online dating has the same problem; it's all about appearances. Spending precious time developing a profile as if humans are products and cultivating expectations that will never be met. Truly sad times. Love the ending though! Sounds like the beginning of an "unconformed" lifestyle.
Yes, truly sad times indeed. I also think with the direction in which the world and culture is moving, it is increasingly more important to live unconformed lifestyles, especially as Christians. Really appreciate your feedback!
Very nice. The part about online personas was quite interesting. Online dating has the same problem; it's all about appearances. Spending precious time developing a profile as if humans are products and cultivating expectations that will never be met. Truly sad times. Love the ending though! Sounds like the beginning of an "unconformed" lifestyle.
Yes, truly sad times indeed. I also think with the direction in which the world and culture is moving, it is increasingly more important to live unconformed lifestyles, especially as Christians. Really appreciate your feedback!
My pleasure! Excited to read more of your stuff :)